Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tanya@8 ww

My first album shooting my baby girl while she is 8 weeks old :)She just got her first vaccine at government clinic and another injection at private hospital 2 days ago...Pity my little girl, suffering from fever right now...Check out my cute little angel, while she is getting better this morning :-)

Friday, April 24, 2009

My Little Angel

Tanya at her 6th week. She has sweet dimple at both her cheeks, beautiful nose and small little mouth. Not much hair and she is quite "tall" now. Ping Hun and I was saying she could be " The Next Top Model", check out her cute pictures!!

Ping Hun was so bad by putting 小白on her head, she doesn't like people touching her head at all. I tried to let her wear the pink headband that Fei, evonne and Ashley gave her and quickly took a picture of her. She started crying right after the shoot.

Tanya vs. ginger-bread and the winner goes to Ginger!!

Check out her sweet dimple and the curious face, we love her so much!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Tanya's Pacifier

I captured some shot of " How important a DoDo to Tanya"... Enjoy!~
My bad: I let her cry without helping her to find her DoDo...ha ha...

Vocabulary of the day:
Do do means Do do.. ( Tanya thinks)
Do do means Pacifier.. ( Ann explains)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tanya full month party

She is 1 month old now.....We thrown a simple party for her but invited a lot of our friends...haha
Katie, li sim, li yen, evonne, chawson, my cousin Ken, doctor Keat, Jun, Dennis Ng, Ah Sun, Susan and of course me and ping hun's family. Check out some photos that Ken help to shoot on that night. thanks to him....

She looks so small among all big and "old" auntie, ahhaha

Ah loon and his cake...thanks, it's so nice and delicious :)
Uncle Chawson and Doctor Keat!