現在世界上的觀念,說時間的質比量重要,就是所謂的優質時間(Quality time),就是不在乎和孩子在一起的時間有多少,而在乎和他一起做什麼。其實這是一個似是而非的理論。
道生博士(Dr. James Dobson)舉了一個例子。(他是在美國提倡注重家庭的基督教領袖,著有『管與教』等書,銷售超過一百萬本。)有一個人去吃牛排,等了半天,餓極了,終於侍者端上來一塊小小的牛排.「怎麼這麼小?」「這是最上等的一種牛排。」「可是我吃不飽。」
寫了許多詩歌的作者Gloria Gaither說,她父母做得最好的一件事就是「在場」。你知道一個孩子做錯事,最壞的結果是什麼嗎?就是沒有被抓到。當我們常常在孩子生命中「缺席」時,會有什麼後果?
有一位教育家說,要一天四次擁抱你的孩子。我盡量提醒自己,孩子說話時專心聽,也注視他們的眼睛。常常,就在這專注的時刻,心中湧起對他們的愛,就會自然地抱抱他們。擁抱,親吻,稱讚,鼓勵,這些永遠不嫌太多。一個孩子心中的愛槽注滿了的時候,他只會把愛流露出去,而不是成為一個「give me, give me」(給我,給我)不滿的孩子。四年級的老二上學期得了五育獎及模範生,但最讓我們欣慰的是,老師給的評語:「謝謝韡函對XX同學的包容和幫助。」
from: Eupho Cafe
Lifestyle, Cooking, Photography, Family, Friends, Traveling, music, movie and more......
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
from: Eupho Cafe
This is our world, this is our life...用心面对,每天都回过得充实快乐。。少一份牢骚,多一份自在 :)
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
from: Eupho Cafe
This is our world, this is our life...用心面对,每天都回过得充实快乐。。少一份牢骚,多一份自在 :)
那是我在工讀時的情景,我和幾個工讀生都不爽老闆對我們的壓榨,只是來工讀,卻還要肩負「保母」的身份,幫他帶兩個頭疼的小孩,兩個小兄弟要去吃麥當勞,花的是自己的錢,老闆不會給,就當你請他的兒子吃飯,跟你說謝謝。如果你第一次當成自己是冤大頭而認栽請了客,之後就有無數的惡夢!因為兩個小朋友一從安親班下課後,就來磨著你請他們去吃麥當勞,如果你拒絕的話,他們就會當場大吵大鬧,讓所有客人對你側目。最後,老闆竟對你動怒說,「你就先墊一下錢帶他們去吃漢堡會怎樣?你讓孩子在店裡鬧,又讓他們哭,實在是罪不可恕!」到最後,我們一看到那兩個如惡魔般的小兄弟,都躲的遠遠的。我們都非常納 悶,兩夫妻都是台大畢業的老闆、老闆娘,為什麼對孩子的教育是這樣子的溺愛縱容、不理性呢?
結果有一天,我們所有工讀生都知道了答案----很惡魔的答案!(因為當天我沒排班,沒看到現場狀況。後來聽到那個被A了無數頓麥當勞的工讀生的口述:)那天下午,兩兄弟在店裡亂跑亂叫地大鬧著,把許多客人都鬧跑了。然後,哥哥好像打了弟弟一下,弟弟於是便狂哭了起來......老闆再也受不了地跑出來制止, 對哥哥罵。還對哥哥說:「你怎麼可以打弟弟?弟弟哭成這樣,你快跟他道歉!」只見哥哥一臉冷漠地看著他的父親,絲毫不為所動。老闆的面子掛不下,就「輕輕地」推了哥哥一下,要他道歉。結果,那個六歲的小男生,竟然舉起手來用力打自己的嘴巴!完全不停手地一直 打著!可是他的臉上還是沒有表情。作父親的老闆當然心疼了,阻止哥哥做出這樣的舉動。哥哥只說:「爸爸要我道歉,我該死,我錯了!我該死!我該死!」還是不停打著自己的嘴巴,都紅腫起來了!老闆嚇到了,趕緊抱住哥哥說:「好好好,你別打了,爸爸錯了,爸爸跟你道歉好不 好?」哥哥接受爸爸的道歉方式是,冷冷地說了一句:「跪下!」老闆當然沒照著做,結果,六歲的大兒子又開始打自己的臉!老闆二話不說,就跪在兩個兒子,和所有客人、工讀生面前,跟兒子道歉:「爸爸錯了,爸爸跟你道歉好不好?」小惡魔的哥哥,冷漠的臉上終於有了笑容,他轉頭 對弟弟說:「你看,我就說爸爸會跪下跟我道歉吧!」
在日本著名漫畫家「池上遼一」早期的作品「暴民」裡頭,敘述的「暴民」,並不是我們想像的流氓、黑道和社會運動中無理性破壞的群眾,他畫筆下的「暴民」,竟 然是兩個十七歲俊美異常,人見人愛的少年!這兩個少年,合力計畫去謀殺其中一人的父母兄姐,全家四口全都被他們天衣無縫的謀殺掉了!甚至,他們還把父親的屍體丟到河裡,把母親和姊姊姦殺之後,剁下頭遺棄。而這一切殘忍的作法,都只是為了刺激黑道的哥哥盲目地到處尋仇, 為家人報仇。 那個「暴民」的少年,當成欣賞藝術品那樣,欣賞著自己哥哥瘋狂殺人、被警方追殺的心路歷程。然後,為家人、為哥哥流下無辜的眼淚......。沒有人懷疑到這樣一個俊美乾淨、文質彬彬的少年身上。大家都認為他是受害者。後來經過一個警方反向推理之後,才知道幕後指使者,竟然就是眾人疼愛的弟弟!問起弟弟犯下殺父母、殺兄姐的動機,弟弟竟只是粲然地一笑:「因為活的太無聊, 要找刺激和樂子呀!而且我們才十七歲,青春這麼短暫,得好好玩耍才行啊!」這就是,新一代的「暴民」! 我想,對許多父母來說,他們一定說:「這種事絕對不會發生在我們家小孩身上,那是因為他們父母和教育沒給他們良好的環境。我家孩子從小就是資優生,都是念高等學校,絕對不會變成那樣!」我真的也很衷心地期望如此。只是,現在令我們無法瞭解行為模式、思想出路,和暴走殘忍的孩子,不就是我們身邊鄰家的孩子?不就是父母們拚死拚活望子成龍成鳳的孩子?我想,是我們自己的心不見了,所以連對世界的一點小小的熱情、尊重及付出都沒有了。也當然,孩子不會感受到,他們能知道、接收的只有:「我是獨一無二的、 所有大人都會因為我的年紀而給我無限制的自由。面對苛責體罰,我有權抗議和抵制。 因為我是獨一無二、最珍貴無比的人!」這麼危險的唯心自由論,如何能不出「暴民」呢?
from http://www.euphocafe.com/index.htm...我必须小心,用心去把小雅抚养长大,让他心里充满爱,懂事明理。。。。。。
那是我在工讀時的情景,我和幾個工讀生都不爽老闆對我們的壓榨,只是來工讀,卻還要肩負「保母」的身份,幫他帶兩個頭疼的小孩,兩個小兄弟要去吃麥當勞,花的是自己的錢,老闆不會給,就當你請他的兒子吃飯,跟你說謝謝。如果你第一次當成自己是冤大頭而認栽請了客,之後就有無數的惡夢!因為兩個小朋友一從安親班下課後,就來磨著你請他們去吃麥當勞,如果你拒絕的話,他們就會當場大吵大鬧,讓所有客人對你側目。最後,老闆竟對你動怒說,「你就先墊一下錢帶他們去吃漢堡會怎樣?你讓孩子在店裡鬧,又讓他們哭,實在是罪不可恕!」到最後,我們一看到那兩個如惡魔般的小兄弟,都躲的遠遠的。我們都非常納 悶,兩夫妻都是台大畢業的老闆、老闆娘,為什麼對孩子的教育是這樣子的溺愛縱容、不理性呢?
結果有一天,我們所有工讀生都知道了答案----很惡魔的答案!(因為當天我沒排班,沒看到現場狀況。後來聽到那個被A了無數頓麥當勞的工讀生的口述:)那天下午,兩兄弟在店裡亂跑亂叫地大鬧著,把許多客人都鬧跑了。然後,哥哥好像打了弟弟一下,弟弟於是便狂哭了起來......老闆再也受不了地跑出來制止, 對哥哥罵。還對哥哥說:「你怎麼可以打弟弟?弟弟哭成這樣,你快跟他道歉!」只見哥哥一臉冷漠地看著他的父親,絲毫不為所動。老闆的面子掛不下,就「輕輕地」推了哥哥一下,要他道歉。結果,那個六歲的小男生,竟然舉起手來用力打自己的嘴巴!完全不停手地一直 打著!可是他的臉上還是沒有表情。作父親的老闆當然心疼了,阻止哥哥做出這樣的舉動。哥哥只說:「爸爸要我道歉,我該死,我錯了!我該死!我該死!」還是不停打著自己的嘴巴,都紅腫起來了!老闆嚇到了,趕緊抱住哥哥說:「好好好,你別打了,爸爸錯了,爸爸跟你道歉好不 好?」哥哥接受爸爸的道歉方式是,冷冷地說了一句:「跪下!」老闆當然沒照著做,結果,六歲的大兒子又開始打自己的臉!老闆二話不說,就跪在兩個兒子,和所有客人、工讀生面前,跟兒子道歉:「爸爸錯了,爸爸跟你道歉好不好?」小惡魔的哥哥,冷漠的臉上終於有了笑容,他轉頭 對弟弟說:「你看,我就說爸爸會跪下跟我道歉吧!」
在日本著名漫畫家「池上遼一」早期的作品「暴民」裡頭,敘述的「暴民」,並不是我們想像的流氓、黑道和社會運動中無理性破壞的群眾,他畫筆下的「暴民」,竟 然是兩個十七歲俊美異常,人見人愛的少年!這兩個少年,合力計畫去謀殺其中一人的父母兄姐,全家四口全都被他們天衣無縫的謀殺掉了!甚至,他們還把父親的屍體丟到河裡,把母親和姊姊姦殺之後,剁下頭遺棄。而這一切殘忍的作法,都只是為了刺激黑道的哥哥盲目地到處尋仇, 為家人報仇。 那個「暴民」的少年,當成欣賞藝術品那樣,欣賞著自己哥哥瘋狂殺人、被警方追殺的心路歷程。然後,為家人、為哥哥流下無辜的眼淚......。沒有人懷疑到這樣一個俊美乾淨、文質彬彬的少年身上。大家都認為他是受害者。後來經過一個警方反向推理之後,才知道幕後指使者,竟然就是眾人疼愛的弟弟!問起弟弟犯下殺父母、殺兄姐的動機,弟弟竟只是粲然地一笑:「因為活的太無聊, 要找刺激和樂子呀!而且我們才十七歲,青春這麼短暫,得好好玩耍才行啊!」這就是,新一代的「暴民」! 我想,對許多父母來說,他們一定說:「這種事絕對不會發生在我們家小孩身上,那是因為他們父母和教育沒給他們良好的環境。我家孩子從小就是資優生,都是念高等學校,絕對不會變成那樣!」我真的也很衷心地期望如此。只是,現在令我們無法瞭解行為模式、思想出路,和暴走殘忍的孩子,不就是我們身邊鄰家的孩子?不就是父母們拚死拚活望子成龍成鳳的孩子?我想,是我們自己的心不見了,所以連對世界的一點小小的熱情、尊重及付出都沒有了。也當然,孩子不會感受到,他們能知道、接收的只有:「我是獨一無二的、 所有大人都會因為我的年紀而給我無限制的自由。面對苛責體罰,我有權抗議和抵制。 因為我是獨一無二、最珍貴無比的人!」這麼危險的唯心自由論,如何能不出「暴民」呢?
from http://www.euphocafe.com/index.htm...我必须小心,用心去把小雅抚养长大,让他心里充满爱,懂事明理。。。。。。
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
2009 annual dinner
it happended at 6th Nov 2009. and since i got the photos late, so i am blogging about it now.
I specially wanted to capture the moments where my boss - EH and my lady boss - SH dance and do catwalk on the T-shape stage. They were just cool :) check out the photos.....
SH....doesn't she look gorgeous? and EH, my big boss...

the big NCO7 family....
I specially wanted to capture the moments where my boss - EH and my lady boss - SH dance and do catwalk on the T-shape stage. They were just cool :) check out the photos.....
SH....doesn't she look gorgeous? and EH, my big boss...

the big NCO7 family....
Tanya first photos
Mum's birthday 2009, 15th Dec
We decided to celebrate it in a different way rather than just go out makan and have cakes. This year, we invited ah ma and 3 yee ( guess what, 3 uncle also came :) and all my cousin to eat steamboat at my mum's house. Of course Tanya is the 主角 again :)
check out the photos ping hun shot during the day.

check out all Tany's photos at the background....oh yes...her photos is all over the house :)

My Mum's birthday with Tanya and all my cousin :) cheers!!!
check out the photos ping hun shot during the day.

check out all Tany's photos at the background....oh yes...her photos is all over the house :)

My Mum's birthday with Tanya and all my cousin :) cheers!!!

Bali Trip - after 1 year waiting :)
After 1 year of air-ticket booking ( we got it FREE thru air asia promotion last year), finally it's approaching the date that we are going to travel to Bali.
Elbert and gf decided to join us and total there are 12 peoples on this trip :)except Brian n Ghobby have to go back earlier due to mis-booked the flight ticket:P
Since most of us are intellier ( Yuson n wife, Ping hun n I, Elbert n gf, Keith n ML, Brian n Ghobby, Hans n Ice), we gone thru the discussion thru Intel's way.
The first meeting have been called yesterday and more follow up meeting will be call later :) AR has been assign and we will plan a fantastic trip to Bali at 2nd Mac - 8th Mac 2010; Bali!!!! HERE WE COME!!
Elbert and gf decided to join us and total there are 12 peoples on this trip :)except Brian n Ghobby have to go back earlier due to mis-booked the flight ticket:P
Since most of us are intellier ( Yuson n wife, Ping hun n I, Elbert n gf, Keith n ML, Brian n Ghobby, Hans n Ice), we gone thru the discussion thru Intel's way.
The first meeting have been called yesterday and more follow up meeting will be call later :) AR has been assign and we will plan a fantastic trip to Bali at 2nd Mac - 8th Mac 2010; Bali!!!! HERE WE COME!!
Monday, December 28, 2009
she is better.... :)
finally, she got recovery and better now. Now i need to fix her weight problem. Irene actually intro me to take Millenium from Excel, which cost about RM500++ per box. inside 1 box contains 2 pack of "ribenna" packing of packets. I'am still checking with doctor etc, if it really helps boost up Tanya's immune system and increase her appetite, i will go n hav a try...
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Tanya is so sick...and skinny :(
I went to hospital again yesterday. She is suffering from diarrhea now and i guess her stomach is pain. I thought is my bad that not taking good care of her and yet i need to attend Soon yu's wedding at alor star tonight and only be able to get back to her tomorrow.
Hopefully she will be recovering really soon...and i love her so much!
Hopefully she will be recovering really soon...and i love her so much!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
The Teoh's family is down :( FLU......
Both my hubby and I have been suffering from flu and cough since we were at US. We are so worrying that we may infect to Tanya. after 1 weeks plus she is okay, until Sunday N, when when we brought her home as my mum having dinner, she got infected the flu. The virus made her throat red and itchy and she vomitted everything that she ate from Mon 8am untill 5pm when i go pick her up after my mum call me.
When i reached my mum house, she was sleeping and look so pale. i tried to wake her up but she seems so tired and on slept all the way to hospital.
I'm so regreted that i brought her home when we have serious running nose and flu again at Sunday N. :( feel so sorry to her.
Today, she seems okay after taking medicine. She actually had fever yesterday when i leave my mum house at night. She needs to continue take medicine until 3 days...there is so much bottles (cough, running nose, fever, vomit etc...), makes me even sorry to her...she has been continuously suffer from disease like cough and fever since she was born. and i kept on thinking not feeding her breast milk is one of the reason that makes her weaker.my bad, my bad...
Hopefully she is recovering soon and i promise i will stay out of her whenever i sick next time.
When i reached my mum house, she was sleeping and look so pale. i tried to wake her up but she seems so tired and on slept all the way to hospital.
I'm so regreted that i brought her home when we have serious running nose and flu again at Sunday N. :( feel so sorry to her.
Today, she seems okay after taking medicine. She actually had fever yesterday when i leave my mum house at night. She needs to continue take medicine until 3 days...there is so much bottles (cough, running nose, fever, vomit etc...), makes me even sorry to her...she has been continuously suffer from disease like cough and fever since she was born. and i kept on thinking not feeding her breast milk is one of the reason that makes her weaker.my bad, my bad...
Hopefully she is recovering soon and i promise i will stay out of her whenever i sick next time.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Good life at year end
although i am still under the pressure of output max and year end quarter closure, but my mood is still "itchiban!!" I think mainly it's because of holidays season and i only need to work 4 days a week from this week until w01, 2010...
So coincident that every friday is a holidays....Awal Muharam, X'mas, New Year....and soon will be Chinese New Year, Hubby's birthday, My birthday and Tanya's Birthday!!!!
I'm blogging while waiting for the last meeting of today at 4:30pm, after that we will go pick up baby Tanya and go shopping!!!
Good day, good mood, good job, good life!!
So coincident that every friday is a holidays....Awal Muharam, X'mas, New Year....and soon will be Chinese New Year, Hubby's birthday, My birthday and Tanya's Birthday!!!!
I'm blogging while waiting for the last meeting of today at 4:30pm, after that we will go pick up baby Tanya and go shopping!!!
Good day, good mood, good job, good life!!
Ah Ma house is gone....:~( bye bye
After so many years or negotiating, changing developer etc....Fianlly ah ma house was sold with 65k only and it's officially gone last month. I didn't see it by myself that the house is tear down. It happened when i was in US.
When i came home last week, there is so much change even though i just away for 3 weeks. So, ah ma house is gone and there is a new "old town" coffee house near 2G there under renovating.
Opposite the old town, the new 4-5 storeys govenment clinic is done, waiting for grand opening i guess.... I think ah ma is a bit sad about that house, she has been living there for half of century, maybe more. that house is the place that i grown up, a lot of sad and laughter happened.
When i came home last week, there is so much change even though i just away for 3 weeks. So, ah ma house is gone and there is a new "old town" coffee house near 2G there under renovating.
Opposite the old town, the new 4-5 storeys govenment clinic is done, waiting for grand opening i guess.... I think ah ma is a bit sad about that house, she has been living there for half of century, maybe more. that house is the place that i grown up, a lot of sad and laughter happened.
Cooking this Weekend....
i plan to cook this weekend by using "home kitchen's equipment". Hahaha, means my own pot, work, rice cooker etc...and of course with all M'sian food! yummy yummy....must be good :)
I'm thinking to cook: -
1. Stir Fried vegetable ( not yet decide which vege)
2. Lotus root Soup
3. Fried bean curd with slices pork (腐竹豆思炒猪肉)and this is my hubby's favourate...
Let me share the recipe later if i successfully cook em', and it's delicious :)
since i still not satisfied with the taste of Lotus root soup when i cooked at US.
I'm thinking to cook: -
1. Stir Fried vegetable ( not yet decide which vege)
2. Lotus root Soup
3. Fried bean curd with slices pork (腐竹豆思炒猪肉)and this is my hubby's favourate...
Let me share the recipe later if i successfully cook em', and it's delicious :)
since i still not satisfied with the taste of Lotus root soup when i cooked at US.
Yea!! Good news @ year end!!
This morning Paul announced thru circuit that all intelier will get $500 as a Thank You Bonus and 2010 focal will have budget!!! Yea!!!!!!! This is such a good news on top of output max recognition and year end bonus + ECBP :)....大肥年咯。。。luckily, else i will need to spend 'carefully' this CNY since came back from long vacation at US ;) Thank you Intel, muacks!!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Antelope Canyon - Arizona
羚羊谷 - This is how Antelope Canyon name fr0m. There were herds of antelope living here century before. According to the tourist guide - Andy, this canyon is also called Bear Canyon as from the pictures, you can see so many bear's image from the Canyon itself :)
The tours is lead by Navajo/Native American guides which cost us USD29 per person for less than a hour trip. Last time tourists were allow to visit the Canyon by themselves and only cost USD6. After the big flood that took away 12 lifes, Navajo is the only one that have the licience to bring tourist into Antelope canyon.
It's 6 degree cooler in the Canyon compare to the weather outside, so it's about 5-6 degree in the canyon and we were wearing thick jacket and glove, still we are shiverring while walking in the canyon.
We were glad we visited the Canyon during winter time, which is a non-peak season. During peak season, there were > 300 peoples visitiing the Canyon at the same time...we won't be able to take nice pictures if we visit the canyon during summer.
It's abit hard to find the tour guide office and the receiptionist is not friendly at all. Anyway, i am not going for 2nd timesince it took us more than 6 hours to reach there (from Phoenix) and USD29 per pax for less than 1 hour visit. , the canyon is so stunning and beautiful :)
However, for those that had business trip to Chandler, it's good to have at least one x visit to Antelope.... A not to miss place when travel to Arizona.
on our way to the entrance of the Antelope Canyon

Check out the stunning view inside the Antelope Canyon......

The tours is lead by Navajo/Native American guides which cost us USD29 per person for less than a hour trip. Last time tourists were allow to visit the Canyon by themselves and only cost USD6. After the big flood that took away 12 lifes, Navajo is the only one that have the licience to bring tourist into Antelope canyon.
It's 6 degree cooler in the Canyon compare to the weather outside, so it's about 5-6 degree in the canyon and we were wearing thick jacket and glove, still we are shiverring while walking in the canyon.
We were glad we visited the Canyon during winter time, which is a non-peak season. During peak season, there were > 300 peoples visitiing the Canyon at the same time...we won't be able to take nice pictures if we visit the canyon during summer.
It's abit hard to find the tour guide office and the receiptionist is not friendly at all. Anyway, i am not going for 2nd timesince it took us more than 6 hours to reach there (from Phoenix) and USD29 per pax for less than 1 hour visit. , the canyon is so stunning and beautiful :)
However, for those that had business trip to Chandler, it's good to have at least one x visit to Antelope.... A not to miss place when travel to Arizona.
on our way to the entrance of the Antelope Canyon

Check out the stunning view inside the Antelope Canyon......

On the other side of the canyon.
Hubby and I..... thank god we were there...no regret!!
Cooking at US Kitchen :-)
It's a good experience to shop and cook at US. The apartment that Ping Hun stayed had all the equipment ever ready, include friedge, microwave oven, rice cooker, chopsticks, cutterly, wok, etc...All i need to buy is the raw materials. I specially like to cook soup since it was winter there and the weather is so cold.
We went shopping at Lee Lee Oriental Hypermart which sold all Asian's cookign material, like Milo :), Maggie Mee, Oyster Oil, Tofu etc.. All type of Asian raw food...Indian food, Japanese, Korean, Curry, tom Yam etc...Of course the price is much more expensive than M'sia.
Check out the "white carrot" soup that that i already cooked for 2-3 hours. Ping Hun and Dennis like it but it still too taste too sweet for me....why ar?
We went shopping at Lee Lee Oriental Hypermart which sold all Asian's cookign material, like Milo :), Maggie Mee, Oyster Oil, Tofu etc.. All type of Asian raw food...Indian food, Japanese, Korean, Curry, tom Yam etc...Of course the price is much more expensive than M'sia.
Check out the "white carrot" soup that that i already cooked for 2-3 hours. Ping Hun and Dennis like it but it still too taste too sweet for me....why ar?

HKIA's food
I've "stayed" at Hong Kong International Airport more than 12 hours for the last 1 month due to plane transit and had total of 3 meals in the airport itself.
I've tried the 烧鹅濑粉which cost me about 100 HKD, as below...which not really nice, but since we watched hong kong series and it keep on mentioning the 烧鹅 is the best food in HK, so i decided to give it a try. it taste excatly like Roasted duck, but the one that they served is very oily so i not really enjoying it.
I think maybe i should go to the real Hong Kong restaurant and try out the 烧鹅 and 细蓉。。。haha
this is the restaurant that sell 烧鹅..it is the most expensive restaurant in the food court.

And this is 烧鹅濑粉 lo.... :-)
I've tried the 烧鹅濑粉which cost me about 100 HKD, as below...which not really nice, but since we watched hong kong series and it keep on mentioning the 烧鹅 is the best food in HK, so i decided to give it a try. it taste excatly like Roasted duck, but the one that they served is very oily so i not really enjoying it.
I think maybe i should go to the real Hong Kong restaurant and try out the 烧鹅 and 细蓉。。。haha
this is the restaurant that sell 烧鹅..it is the most expensive restaurant in the food court.

And this is 烧鹅濑粉 lo.... :-)

First Date - Tanya and Bryan :)

on this beautiful Sunday morning ( Nov 1st 2009), Tanya finally met her "old friend" - Byran for the first time. Although she has been hearing a lot about Bryan since she is still in mummy's stomach :) Both of them seems "pai sei pai sei" and didn't interact much...let's wait for their next meet up :)
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Tanya is so smart NOW!!!! LOL
After came back from US, the first time i saw Tanya is back to our home, right after i came back from airport. Physically, she didn't change much ( when i leave her, she is at 6.02kg nad now she is just 6.06kg, sigh...), still cute little fellow, but when she saw us and start to smile at us, i figure out how much she had grown smarter. She is cutest now since she was born :)
After 3 days of staying together and i spent almost all my time together with her, watching Barney, talked to her, played with her, sang, dance, crawled together, lied down on floor, clap clap hand.....etc.. I actually found that she is so much smarter compare to 3 weeks ago.
She knew how to wave good-bye, clap, stamp her leg, crawl, like really fast! shout and trying to say something......and she was so attached to me n p. hun. It's the natural feeling that we are Family, and we are her parents :)
We brought her out to shopping @ QBM during Saturday, and she is a small little scientist and such a good observer. She's busy looking at everyone, everything and when she found something that attracted her, she will point at that object with her little finger...haha...co cute!!
The one she likes the most is the escalator, her dad even need to bring her goes up and down the escalator for few time just to satisfy her curiosity..Rows and rows of various color T- shirt had definately attract her attention, and she even sat on the clothes and explore with her little hands.
Also, she wanted to try on anything that we are eating or she will eat everything that u gave to her...hahaha, can't wait to see her later...got to go now!!muacks to my little princess!!
After 3 days of staying together and i spent almost all my time together with her, watching Barney, talked to her, played with her, sang, dance, crawled together, lied down on floor, clap clap hand.....etc.. I actually found that she is so much smarter compare to 3 weeks ago.
She knew how to wave good-bye, clap, stamp her leg, crawl, like really fast! shout and trying to say something......and she was so attached to me n p. hun. It's the natural feeling that we are Family, and we are her parents :)
We brought her out to shopping @ QBM during Saturday, and she is a small little scientist and such a good observer. She's busy looking at everyone, everything and when she found something that attracted her, she will point at that object with her little finger...haha...co cute!!
The one she likes the most is the escalator, her dad even need to bring her goes up and down the escalator for few time just to satisfy her curiosity..Rows and rows of various color T- shirt had definately attract her attention, and she even sat on the clothes and explore with her little hands.
Also, she wanted to try on anything that we are eating or she will eat everything that u gave to her...hahaha, can't wait to see her later...got to go now!!muacks to my little princess!!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Bye-bye Body Butter :(
Checked in at LAX yesterday and the officer took my Brand new (only use 2-3X) body butter away cause it it more than 10ml....aw......IT IS MY MISTAKE. I forgot to checked in this body butter with my luggage but put it in the handcarry bag..... :(
bye bye butter, bye bye USD15 :(

luckily the body mist that i bought for my mum didnt exceed 10ml....lo.....
bye bye butter, bye bye USD15 :(

luckily the body mist that i bought for my mum didnt exceed 10ml....lo.....
10 hours's transition
Travel is fun, no doubt. But the long transit and flight hours really kill me.
I'm now in Hong Kong International Airport, waiting for my 10 hours transit...awwwwww :(
i reached HKIA at 5am, and my connecting flight back home is at 3pm. what can I do at this long 10 hours?
Shopping? Everything is so so so damm expensive...furthermore, i just finished my Black Friday Crazy shopping at LV last 2 weeks.
Wandering around? hmm....HKIA not as nice as Singapore IA. :P talk about airport, i haven't been to KLIA so far...it's my country's airport leh...how come?
Food and Drinks? ya, for sure we need to take something for meals... and WOW...guess what? It's as expensive as US, even more expensive. 1 set of burget king cost about HKD5o..
Online? oh yes, luckily i bring along my laptop, and the wireless is FREE!!!! haha, this is the only things i can do without spending money $$.. so, i am blogging now, facebooking, and playing online games.
I'm now in Hong Kong International Airport, waiting for my 10 hours transit...awwwwww :(
i reached HKIA at 5am, and my connecting flight back home is at 3pm. what can I do at this long 10 hours?
Shopping? Everything is so so so damm expensive...furthermore, i just finished my Black Friday Crazy shopping at LV last 2 weeks.
Wandering around? hmm....HKIA not as nice as Singapore IA. :P talk about airport, i haven't been to KLIA so far...it's my country's airport leh...how come?
Food and Drinks? ya, for sure we need to take something for meals... and WOW...guess what? It's as expensive as US, even more expensive. 1 set of burget king cost about HKD5o..
Online? oh yes, luckily i bring along my laptop, and the wireless is FREE!!!! haha, this is the only things i can do without spending money $$.. so, i am blogging now, facebooking, and playing online games.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
I'm sick - terrible cough :(
After came back from Las Vegas, i'm totally sick. My worst nightmare came to me again - cough. everytime i have cough, it will take long time for me to recover, this time included. I've taken 1 bottle of Cough syrup which i bought at CVS pharmacy but not seeing any sign of recovery, then we went to the pharmarcy to buy stronger medicine - the tablet form which cost us ~ RM30.... The medicine in US is sooooo expensive :(
If back in Penang, i will definately go and see a doctor to ask for antibiotic for faster recovery. but seeing a doctor here will at least cost me USD20-30, this has not include the medicine!! that is >RM100 already :(
I can't really sleep well at night, this make the situation worse. The best way to heal cold/ cough is to get enough rest and drink a lot of water, but i don't really got enough rest at all, especially at night. Hopefully i can recover before i go back home. i don't want to be quarantine or everybody in the plane scare of me of coughing non-stop for >24 hours flight.
I was exhausted last weekend when we went to Vegas. We had 12 hours black Friday/ post Thanksgiving shopping at the premier outlet start from 2am until 2pm the next day before we checked in to Excalibur Hotel. No doubt, it was a very good journey to Vegas but it also cause both of us sick with old and cough.....
If back in Penang, i will definately go and see a doctor to ask for antibiotic for faster recovery. but seeing a doctor here will at least cost me USD20-30, this has not include the medicine!! that is >RM100 already :(
I can't really sleep well at night, this make the situation worse. The best way to heal cold/ cough is to get enough rest and drink a lot of water, but i don't really got enough rest at all, especially at night. Hopefully i can recover before i go back home. i don't want to be quarantine or everybody in the plane scare of me of coughing non-stop for >24 hours flight.
I was exhausted last weekend when we went to Vegas. We had 12 hours black Friday/ post Thanksgiving shopping at the premier outlet start from 2am until 2pm the next day before we checked in to Excalibur Hotel. No doubt, it was a very good journey to Vegas but it also cause both of us sick with old and cough.....
Friday, November 27, 2009
The San Cervantes - Thansgiving Day
Happy Thanksgiving... i think this year thanksgiving is the most meaningful one for me, because i am going to "participate" in the Blackfriday sales start from today midnight onwards at Las Vegas. Yeah...Yahoo!!!
Ping Hun is having his nap now since he has to drive tonight, another 6 hours to LV. and he's just came back from work, pity :(
Well, i am watching 'home alone' now, that particular movie that everyone must watch during X'mas season in Malaysia. i am surprise that this old movie was still popular in US :) at the same time, i just wanted to capture this little Arizona apartment that i spend my 2009 Thanksgiving with my hubby....

Ping Hun is having his nap now since he has to drive tonight, another 6 hours to LV. and he's just came back from work, pity :(
Well, i am watching 'home alone' now, that particular movie that everyone must watch during X'mas season in Malaysia. i am surprise that this old movie was still popular in US :) at the same time, i just wanted to capture this little Arizona apartment that i spend my 2009 Thanksgiving with my hubby....

The SandBar - Mexican grill and Bar

located at W. Northern Ave, Peoria, Arizona which near to Intel Chandler. :) I had my "welcome to US" party right after i get off the plane. Dennis, Kelvin, ping hun and I were enjoying the cool air as we are sitting outdoor. everything is so fine as well as the BlueMoon Beer :) some high school students came in school bus (oh yes, the typical yellow school bus), with majority of the boys wearing skirts and dress playart as a girls...it was so funny when seeing them dancing with wig and short skirt....the music is fantastic and i like the waitress very much, a sweet and cheerful college girl.
I think this would be a better place for farewell compare to the Big Bang bar :)
The Big Bang bar - downtown Tempe
Kelvin brought us to this Big bang bar last night - the Thanksgiving eve. This place play typical American music which we hardly into it, except Kelvin. While he was listening to American music, we were listening to my parent's mandarin and Hokkien oldiest...of course we won't enjoy much, hahaha....However, this place is still good as the pianist interact a lot with the audience.
Downtown Tempe which is walking distance from Arizona State University is a happening place. A lot of clubs and bars around with hot chics... A lot to see and we actually spend most of our night walking around, cheking out this night life city :)
It's their 6th anniversary this Dec 7th, the serve free food and cheap drink, shall we go again before we leave Phoenix? But frankly, i prefer SandBar more :) the music is just right!!

visit this link for more big bang's info :) http://www.thebigbangbar.com/az/tempe
Downtown Tempe which is walking distance from Arizona State University is a happening place. A lot of clubs and bars around with hot chics... A lot to see and we actually spend most of our night walking around, cheking out this night life city :)
It's their 6th anniversary this Dec 7th, the serve free food and cheap drink, shall we go again before we leave Phoenix? But frankly, i prefer SandBar more :) the music is just right!!

visit this link for more big bang's info :) http://www.thebigbangbar.com/az/tempe
Thursday, November 26, 2009
I love lemonate :)
I never dare to drink lemonade especially when my stomach is empty, but surprisingly it does nothing to my stomach, in fact i felt more appetite after drinking the lemonate. then i remember some of my friends actually recommended lemon + warm water while having gastric. It's actually 5% citric acid but it just works to neutralize the enzyme int he stomach.
So, i started my journey to try everyone lemonade whenever i go. i tried the typical lemonate in intel, the pink lemonate at the Queen's bowl restaurant and i plan to make my own lemonate when i back to Penang later. It must be so refreshing and cooling with the hot weather out there :)
Perfect Lemonade Recipe
1 cup sugar (can reduce to 3/4 cup)
1 cup water (for the simple syrup)
1 cup lemon juice
3 to 4 cups cold water (to dilute)
1 Make simple syrup by heating the sugar and water in a small saucepan until the sugar is dissolved completely.
2 While the sugar is dissolving, use a juicer to extract the juice from 4 to 6 lemons, enough for one cup of juice.
3 Add the juice and the sugar water to a pitcher. Add 3 to 4 cups of cold water, more or less to the desired strength. Refrigerate 30 to 40 minutes. If the lemonade is a little sweet for your taste, add a little more straight lemon juice to it.
Serve with ice, sliced lemons.
Serves 6.
So, i started my journey to try everyone lemonade whenever i go. i tried the typical lemonate in intel, the pink lemonate at the Queen's bowl restaurant and i plan to make my own lemonate when i back to Penang later. It must be so refreshing and cooling with the hot weather out there :)
Perfect Lemonade Recipe
1 cup sugar (can reduce to 3/4 cup)
1 cup water (for the simple syrup)
1 cup lemon juice
3 to 4 cups cold water (to dilute)
1 Make simple syrup by heating the sugar and water in a small saucepan until the sugar is dissolved completely.
2 While the sugar is dissolving, use a juicer to extract the juice from 4 to 6 lemons, enough for one cup of juice.
3 Add the juice and the sugar water to a pitcher. Add 3 to 4 cups of cold water, more or less to the desired strength. Refrigerate 30 to 40 minutes. If the lemonade is a little sweet for your taste, add a little more straight lemon juice to it.
Serve with ice, sliced lemons.
Serves 6.
Julie & Julia - The movie
Over 24 hours of flight last week, no doubt i had watch a few movies on the plane. one of the movie that i would recommend is Julie and Julia.

There is bread, and there is love. Sometimes there is both. In the film, Julia's husband toasts her, saying: "You are the butter to my bread, the breath to my life." That quote encapsulates the overall tone of the film -- sweet, sincere, and deliciously uplifting.
The other tells the story of Julie Powell, who on the eve of her 30th birthday, gives herself a masochistic gift: Cook all 524 recipes in Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking. In one year. In her tiny Queens, NY apartment. With a cat. And an unbelievably supportive husband. And blog about it.
Shall i continue with my blog as well? with a theme or subject, maybe i should start with my little baby and how i take care of her and planning everything best for her? ya ya, i need to think deeply and come out one theme for my blog.....
Free Starbucks everywhere
I am working in Intel Chandler right now. I'm sitting at C5 office working rather than stay at home alone like few days back. Today is Thansgiving eve and half of Chandler's intellier is off, especially second half like what we Penang intellier always do :P
So, the environment is not much different... cubicles is more or less the same, the cafeteria provide free drinks too....Well, there is a little bit different, while Penang is providing free Nescafe, they are providing free Starbucks coffee here :)
I don't normally drink coffee although i like the aroma very much, but i had a cup of Starbucks in my hand now, is it because it costs like RM10+ back in Penang? it's the feeling of greedy ... i guess :P
So, the environment is not much different... cubicles is more or less the same, the cafeteria provide free drinks too....Well, there is a little bit different, while Penang is providing free Nescafe, they are providing free Starbucks coffee here :)
I don't normally drink coffee although i like the aroma very much, but i had a cup of Starbucks in my hand now, is it because it costs like RM10+ back in Penang? it's the feeling of greedy ... i guess :P
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Haagan Dazs
I never really like Haagan Dazs, basically because it was so expensive in Malaysia. 414ml like below need at least RM20 or RM30?? i couldn't really remember.
Yesterday, Dennis and us went to Walmart after dinner and we found Haagan Dazs is really cheap here, only cost us $2.99 :):)...and of course, we brought home 1 pin of Haagan Dazs and it taste really good.....i believe mainly it's becuase of it's price....cheaper :) hahaha.........
The San Cervantes
This is where we stayed - The San Cervantes apartment. i am shooting this photos with my camera phone and this is the only picture i got so far :)
My 2nd US trip....
My hubby has been assigned to a business trip in US, Chandler Arizona 4 weeks ago. I spend my own $$, bought a ticket and flew all the way from Penang to Phoenix to visit him. This cost me RM4000++ :( For the sake of Thanksgiving shopping and pay him a visit, this is worth for me :)
In fact, i am planning for san Diego, Las Vegas and several site seeing trips around Phoenix for the only 3 weekends that i am going to stay in US. Last but not least, Thanksgiving shopping is one of the important event ;) Cheers!
30+ hours transit and travel make me exhausted, luckily we are going back together. During my transit at Hong Kong International Airport, i've tried the 烧鹅濑粉 which taste excatly like roasted duck. Have seen many times in TVB series, so wanted to give it a try :) It's not really tasty and it's so expensive. This dish plus another cup of hot chocolate cost me HKD100...
I've visited San D last weekend, stay tune for more photos and updates :)
In fact, i am planning for san Diego, Las Vegas and several site seeing trips around Phoenix for the only 3 weekends that i am going to stay in US. Last but not least, Thanksgiving shopping is one of the important event ;) Cheers!
30+ hours transit and travel make me exhausted, luckily we are going back together. During my transit at Hong Kong International Airport, i've tried the 烧鹅濑粉 which taste excatly like roasted duck. Have seen many times in TVB series, so wanted to give it a try :) It's not really tasty and it's so expensive. This dish plus another cup of hot chocolate cost me HKD100...
I've visited San D last weekend, stay tune for more photos and updates :)
Friday, October 30, 2009
Batik Workshop @ SMK Batu Maung
It's has been the best volunteer program i had even participated. We went to SMK Batu Maung to attend Batik Wrokshop. We actually have the chance to pratically try to create our own Batik. Check out the Batik that we created...it's now hanging at Loy's cubicle. Not to forget to mentioned about the group memebers, everyone is so fun and easy going. We had Japanese food at QBM after the workshop and of couse, gosipping around since Gossip King -Loy is aorund...haha :)

Loy, Teng, Chew In, Swee Heng and Ann :-)

Loy, Teng, Chew In, Swee Heng and Ann :-)
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Sweet Cherry high chair and cute little pants
We've decided to buy a high chair for Tanya since she started to shout at us when we are having out meals (guess she just doesn't want to be alone and hoping to 'enjoy' our meals with us). It took us some time to consider about buying this high chair because it cost us RM249. but it's actually worth the price when you see her satisfied smile on her face when she's sitting on her high chair. So whenever we have our meals or when we sitting on the dinning chair to do some work, surf net, chit chatting etc....she wants to be part of it :) I felt really good and i guess this is the feeling we call "family" and "love".
These are some cute little pants that i buy from the web. But it's still too big for tanya now ( as she is a very small size baby), hopefully it fits her when she is one ( Chinese new year time). I just can't stop imagine when she wear these cut pants and start walking around with her new shoes...for sure i will try to buy her a pair of adorable shoes with "quak quak" sound.
Music Blanket - fr Uncle Keith
This is the music blanket that Keith bought for baby when she hasn't even born. I still remember the day that Keith gave this music blanket to us, it's 23rd Feb 2009, Monday and it's the last day i work before i went for my maternity leave. He's giving this earlier to Tanya since he will be leaving Penang at that thrusday itself to U.S. for a business trip. However, Tanya've got delivered at the night itself ( 24th Feb ~5am), and Keith managed to visit her at hospital before he leave town.

Now, Tanya is 7 month old and was able to enjoy the music blanket ( by hitting them of course...and also 'eatting' it).....cheers...
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